Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The Bush Administration seeks a place in respectable history, as well as to exact revenge against the "Liberals" whom humiliated them and the "South" in the 1950s and 1960s. The hard right seek final victory for God over Secular Humanism and every other insult they feel they suffered in the dark age of "Dem-Crat" rule.
The Bush vision runs head long into a new generation of Americans who have little or no memory of the '50s or '60s or even the '70s.
None of this is new. Theodore Roosevelt railed at the grip the old Civil War generation had on 20th century America. The "progressive" railed at the "Old Order".
In the 1930s FDR was so embittered by the "Primitives" he tried to stack the Supreme Court and hit the wall of history.
The United States is not a Christian Country. It's a "Self Importance" country that uses a vague Christian ethic as a guide to getting what you want.
GW Bush must restrain the religious right and not alienate the "Sincere Believers" Can he do it?

The World does not need the United States as it once did. The Euro is sound, the Yen stronger, and the Yaun doing even better. The Chinese are emerging as a smooth capitalist economy much like the US in the 1950s. Brazil and India are moving fast and offer a good product. As the US annoys the international community with unilateralism there is a way out and it will be taken.
GW Bush has no choice but to act carefully or he will preside over a weak dollar, a frail economy and a bitter electorate.
Create unrealistic expectation and loose the mid term elections.
The country is shocked at Mr. Bush's re-election. In 2008 the Democrats will stage a major come back and all these smug Republicans will be left behind, all their plans in ruins.

Israel has a grand opportunity to affect the Palestinian future, lets hope they seize it.

20 years ago today Shaun Ouilette was murdered by Rod Matthews in Canton Mass.
Rod is at MCI Shirley. God Bless Jeannie Quinn.

David 11/16/04

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The election is over.
Karl Rove should get a A+ for a effective and successful campaign straightly. The Democrats should follow his lead.
Christians are not a block of one mindset but many blocks drawn together in common cause.
The US is not a especially religious society, even if the media thinks it is. What Americans are, is afraid of a world that seems less friendly and more threatening.
Bashing Mr. Bush is a exercise in futility. In 48 months he will be gone, forever.
The Democrats should create a believable moderate Christian community and invite all interested parties to join. The hard right is just an emotional jag at best. Serious theology based on historical experience and openminded will last long after the emotions have cooled.
Give the faith community something real, sustainable, and worth defending and the extremists will soon fade away.
Rove understood what the Red States are about and went after them with a credible message.
As a homosexual I resent the cynical use of Gay Marriage as a wedge issue. Nevertheless it works and winning elections is what matters.
The Liberals should never allow anyone to smear them, and liberals must learn to get nasty, and stay nasty until the other guys cries uncle.
If you will not fight for your principals then you have none.
America loves a serious fighter. Kerry whined and stumbled about. The Debates gave his pathetic campaign a rebirth for a few weeks.
Forget Hillary Clinton! She is 20th century and that time is over!
We surrived Nixon and Reagan, we will survive Bush. In 1928 many Democrats thought Hoover was a two term president and he'd be followed by another GOP stalwart.
FDR came and the nation changed, forever. We can do it again. If we have imagination and courage and modern ideas.
Life goes on, get a grip, the GOP will make a mess of it and if we are reasonable we will have another chance.
David 11/6/04
