Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Here is an Email I sent to a young friend in Kansas.

Here is my take on 2004.
The Tech economy is recovering and wireless entertainment by computer will be the next big wave.

China and Brazil are destined to be huge American markets and they will give us a long run of good prosperous years.
But the big story is that the media and literary or chattering classes are angered at the antics of the vulgar Texas businessmen who have hustled the country big time. All media liberal and increasingly conservative loathe the callousness of Rove, Bush, Cheney, and Senate GOP and their willingness to wage war, kill American kids, for profit. The media hate the deficits scam to bleed the government and the class bigotry behind the tax cuts. But mostly the media empires hate the Darby Christian mentality of the Bush Administration.
What the media and literary crowed share is (an assumed) intellectual as well as historic propriety attitudes toward the republic. They see America as their own, to be protected from all threats; particularly reactionary southerners who have made war on America several times over.

The 20th century was a warning that not just brutes but intelligent men, misguided by half-baked theories could threaten life on Earth. Popular politics could use mass communications in a sinister way if in the wrong hands. American media has been careful about this.
Now reactionary companies like Close Channel and Infinity Broadcasting are on the march. Acting on the apocalyptic Christian ideals defined by Nelson Darby in the 19th century. (Fox News and Fox TV are just greedy and play the right wing card because it sells. Rupert Murdock wants power, but he is not a religious nihilist. He won’t help destroy the Republic. He will turn on the Bushies if they go too far.)

Remember radio came out of the newspaper empires and TV came from both written media and Hollywood. Today the fourth generation Hollywood and third generation TV are fully integrated and they run the country in an alliance with academia and Wall Street.
The Texas GOP today is pure Old South reactionary, Baptist and Pentecostal rebel against the Northern pragmatics and Western Individualists. Texas hates both for different reasons. Texas hates the Northern Pragmatics because of the Civil War and Civil Rights eras. They increasingly hate the Goldwater Reagan group who was born from 19th century transcendentalist and Teddy Roosevelt Progressive mentality that is disinterested in community based moral issues.
California’s egalitarian culture irks the Southern moralists. How can Reagan Goldwater country tolerate queers and Hollywood pornographers? Well, because individualism means allowing private moral judgment rather than group moral judgments.
The south hates individualism because it threatens the group and it scatters the society. The south thrives as a strictly controlled community much like a plantation. Americans craving conformity and structure are attracted to the south. Americans who hate control and seek private glory and self sustained success turn to the coastal urban areas because you can get lost in them and have greater freedom.
George Bush was a western individualist and he became a drunk and drug abuser. He found solace in the authoritarian religion of the south. He really believes as millions do, that freedom has to be strictly defined and monitored by a Christian state.
The media and Hollywood are from Eastern European Jewish and liberal Russian Orthodox traditions melded to Euro socialist and 20th century American consumerism.
Bush sees consumerism as one of the seven deadly sins and he sees liberalism as a disease of hedonism and irrational religion that tolerates perversion and unbridled fantasy. The Bushies hate fantasy more than anything. They seek to limit it or destroy it all together.
The religion of the GOP in 2004 is that of black and white reality, decided by the better interests of the parties Guardian Council, consisting of Cheney, Rove, Wolferitz, Pearl, and a few unknown friends in the right companies. The Bushies want the party to be controlled by white men and their like-minded black flunkies who hated ML King as a communist and still hate the moderate Kennedy/Carter crowed as poisoned by liberalism and consumerism.
The Bushies detest the Hull House, Roosevelt social obligation ideals as crypto communist and Euro philosophical. The Bushies hate the “Age of Reason” and the “Age of Science” as anti God and leading humanity into a slave state controlled by hucksters selling novelties and engaging in “Sensationalism” to seduce the rabble. They hate entertainments such a stage plays, movies, and the popular toy and gadget culture as corrupting and ultimately a tool for the devil.
The Southern moralists are Darby Christians. They really do believe in hell and the devil as a conscious presence in the world. They really believe Jesus is a conscious presence in the world and he is loosing to tickle me Elmo and DVDs. The devil tempts us with sound and furies, bright lights and seductive women bearing evil toys and sexual perversions.
George Bush believes that Scandinavian liberals and Jewish mercantile hustlers created 20th century liberalism took over the courts and ruined America through Earl Warren, Warren Burger, Kennedy and Johnson and Carter and Clinton. Bush and his friends are modern Bibbits and 19th century Millerites. Think apocalyptic book of Revelation Lake of fire Jesus as dictator for a thousand years and you have the modern GOP.
Rosa Parks and Roslyn Carter and Hilary Clinton emasculated them. Bush’s generation is modern political hysterics. Think 19th century German brilliance crushed by 20th century German insanity and the ruins of 1945 Berlin.
So here we are. Will, the Bushies might not save America, but they might liberate the Islamic peoples from their barbarism and misguided leaders, and to get control of the oil at the same time. Bush and Co. sees the Democrats as degenerates and Hippie Liberals. They want to erase Rooseveltism and Clintonism from America and install a moralist’s empire that will rule the Earth as Jesus would after Armageddon. They have just the book of revelation as their guide. Heaven help us.

But there’s your generation, indifferent to all this heat and bored by religion and Old South bitterness. The Bushies know this and they are well aware of the limited time they have.
They will try to steal the election and then slam the country into a Christian state during Bush second term.
BUT WAIT! Their lies and mechanizations are becoming clear. They hustled everyone on Iraq and few adults like being seen as a fool, especially by their children. What can they do? Why not tell the big lie all over again? Should they go after Syria? Iran? Or maybe China? They need a VERY LOUD NOISE!
Here is the danger. 911 stunned them as it stunned everyone else. Bush was in a fog for months, but his gang seized 911 as a tool to get at Iraq. Trouble for them is WE are getting wise to the game.
So what will happen?
If Bush is re-elected the X generation republicans (Think Elliot Spitzer AG of NY State) will prosecute them in a wave of scandals that will send Bush and friends to oblivion.
The 1950s Republicans purged the reactionary 1930s and 1940s Republicans. The Nixon Moderates ruled until 1980.
Reagan was a depression era, WW2 era realist out of Hollywood who remembered the Darby Christians of his youth in Iowa. He was in a deliberately limited way a sympathetic figure to them. But Reagan knew that the Darby crowed must NEVER have national power. They could run a few states, but not the country because they’d get the US into trouble with a Non fundamentalist world. Remember, Reagan was a Roosevelt Liberal. In the end RR hated GHW Bush as a sellout to the Holy Rollers.

Bush and Rove are cruel and self-serving and it’s becoming obvious and it angers all kinds of people.
If Dean or Kerry wins Bush and friends will try to topple them through impeachment on some trumped up card. Or maybe Bush and friends will go away embittered and just write nasty books and die with bile on their lips.
My hunch is Bush will be re-elected and suffer four years of revelations and scandal and leave office with anger and despair.
The United States of Post WW2 is over. The 21st century consumer state is well underway.
The terrorist thing is fading because the various governments are killing anyone who looks to be a threat.
The Israelis have decimated Hamas and Islamic Jihad and that model is being copied all over. This week Hamas offered a ten-year truce with Israel, why did they do that? They can see that 911 gave Israel a license to kill with impunity. Before 911 the Jewish Muslim conflict followed predictable patterns and everyone knew the rules. Now there’s one rule, kill everyone. The Muslims have always understood they cannot defeat Israel because right behind Israel is America. No one can defeat America. They can hurt us, (and we must understand that!) But we will overwhelm them in a year or so. Think WW2.

Here at home we are all starting to realize the country has stumbled badly under Bush and Friends. Their reactionary rages and the effects of 911 corrupt whatever positive things they might have wanted to do. (I don’t think they are completely malevolent) But the Demos will return in ’08 at the latest.

Finally, as I write all this, I am reminded that in 20 years it will mean absolutely nothing. Bush and Bin Laden will be dead, gone, and forgotten except for a amazing video of towers falling and Bin Laden at his Afghan camp. The Darby Christians will fade away as their children become educated and consumerism takes over the planet. Colonizing Mars will be the big adventure of the 21st century.
Think of the international events of 1984 does anyone care?

Ah yes, I am having fun. As a Hippie Liberal I’m watching the Bushies repeat Nixon’s arrogance and will suffer his fate. I do hope we’ll see some street fighting, a few well-directed air strikes and maybe some gunfire at the white house. Nixon’s fall was so slow and nonviolent. God how I wanted some serious blood soaked drama! Maybe Bush will fight it out with the Marines! Nah, he will just leave and we will all be disappointed!

To be fair to you, I want to remind you that I am a consumerist. I want the world to be dominated by a merchantile empire. Let Wal-Mart rule. They are a better choice than psychotic religion. Besides you can buy the bible at Wal-Mart!
I dream of Humans creating a huge friendly and peaceful empire stretching across the galaxy; Starbucks and Sears, Television, blue eyes and sex clubs for everyone! All kinds of toys being sold to all the alien civilizations in a galaxy filled with multi floor shopping malls and theme parks! I want Earth to be Hollywood to the galaxy and a place of fun and fantasy. Why not?

Quick, buy something!

David Crellin@Audiea.com

Friday, January 16, 2004

The Bush administration repeatedly lies to the American people about a number of things. The evidence of Orwellian manipulation of titles for programs as well as cynical misuse of regulatory powers is growing. In Friday 1/16 NY Times Bob Herbert makes clear that the Bushies are callus in their contempt toward the rule of law and the protection of national programs and treasure. Al Gore and Ted Kennedy are sounding the alarms. Most folks are not yet ready to admit the truth of the Bush Darkness.
You can be certain of one truism. In Bush second term the REAL CHRISTIANS the true believers will rebel and drive him from office.
Remember you read it here first. Bush will be impeaches by his fellow Republicans and convicted by them as well. The GOP will become fedup at the lies and outright disregard for federal contracts and regulatory powers.
Richard Nixon was sure the GOP would save him. When they saw the depth of his lies and hustle they sent their leadership to the White House and Nixon was gone in less than a week.
When Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Franklin Graham, and Ralph Reed realize they have been played for fools along with everyone else, the religious right will spearhead an Impeach Bush movement.
More later.
David Crellin@Audiea.com
