Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Life goes on.
I am grief stricken over Michael Jackson. Here is a truly talented man, brought low by his own inability to contain his “Ache?” and the failure of his staff to protect him as well.
I do not believe he molested this boy and I doubt seriously that DA Sneddon will have much of a case, beyond some embarrassing video?’s or a few poems.
Jackson is in my opinion a ?“Emotions Predator?”(A far more dangerous damage to children) he has a deep ?“Ache?” for tender affectioaffairsffaires of the heart. This does not make him a pedophile by a long shot. Society is replete with adults who adore kids and seek out a lifetime of service to them as teachers, doctors, and guardians of one sort or another. Most Scout Masters and sport coaches generally fit a distinct archetype of the loving adult who desires the world of ?“Life Building?” that all kids are deep into. Such adults are generally well adjusted and learn early to repress or simply ignore any physical attractions. What they think or do when they are alone at the end of the day is not questioned.
There has to be a tradeoff. You can not ask any adult to care and then limit that care in such a way that innocent affection is missread as something else.
Another factor is that bonding always has a sexual component, that's life. We are sexual creatures. The key is that traind adults understand how to restrain their sexual desire and to not allow it to affect the child.
Boys can be quite sexual especially at puberty. Masturbation creates a super pleasure principal and draws even the most reticent child toward sexual activity especially with a trusted adult.
Coaches and Teachers understand channelnd chanel such desires into positive less damaging avenues.
Michael Jackson vulnerableulnurable boys at this stage of sexual development leaving unearned and damaging effects for years after.
Jackson can rationalize all he wants and fool no one. His emotional "Ache" is greater than any sexual need. The damage is just as serious.
Human beings need relationships and must feel that there is cause in their lives. Few adults can tolerate isolation for very long and even fewer ever seek the solitary existence. Even the most devout recluse creates a life through fantasy related to books or TV or radio.

Michael Jackson?’s pattern of troubles is not unusual or even strange. He is a closeted Homosexual in denial and has deep conflicts with his mother over his sexuality.
He seeks family consent even though he is generally estranged from all but his mother. His adult life has a marked curve of increasing mutilation via plastic surgery as well as evidence of efforts at identity changes through his different styles of dress and public demeanor.
His marriages followed a predictable pattern of fantasy development, leading to a super state of exhilaration and eventual crash as the fantasy overwhelmed reality and his wives.
Jackson?’s own ignorance and the inability of those around him to act, are the tragedies in his life.
Michael Jackson's tragedy is made worse by the fact Mr. Sneddon has no interest in psychology and will expose his own bigotry and failure to accurately gauge the truth.
The DA's primitive mindset will harden Jackson's rage and thus create further troubles.
The public will sense early on the vulgar qualities to Sneddon?’s antics and the case will falter or Jackson will be acquitted.
My own guess is that there will never be a trial. The appeals court will vacate the charges or the State Supreme Court will.
Jackson is a world-class celebrity. The State of California will never allow anything but an absolute slam dunk in a molestation charge against such a huge personality. Too much is at Schwarzenegger will not tolerate a circus since it would reflect badly on him.

Sadly Michael Jackson will not learn the critical lesson here. He will carry on until tragedy strikes.
I do not personally believe he is a pedophile. I do think he drains those who are kind to him with huge emotional needs and eventually someone will take exception at the effect and return to exact vengeance.
Maybe, this sad case will educate all of us to isolation and emotional needs unmet.
More later
